Trudy Milburn

Board Member; Outreach

Trudy Milburn (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst) is Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at Southern Connecticut State University. Dr. Milburn has published widely in the area of culture and communication in professional contexts. Her four authored, edited, and co-authored books include: Engaging and Transforming Global Communication Through Cultural Discourse Analysis: A Tribute to Donal Carbaugh (with Michelle Scollo); Communicating User Experience: Applying Local Strategies Research to Digital Media Design; Citizen Discourse on Contaminated Water, Superfund Cleanups, and Landscape Restoration: (Re)making Milltown, Montana (with Susan Gilbertz); and Nonprofit Organizations: Creating Membership through Communication. She has been a tenured Associate Professor on the faculties of California State University, Channel Islands and Baruch College/The City University of New York.

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